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Wes RD Wraggett

Starting off in the ’60s as a rock guitar player Wes moved into jazz at the onset of the ’70s. Realizing that his inner-ears were hearing something he couldn’t explain he went on to study music theory and composition at both the Royal Conservatory of Music and the University of Toronto. His academic career began by running the Electronic Music Studios at the Royal Conservatory of Music and eventually he taught and lectured many places on composition, theory, and technology. For the most part, he continued as a freelance jazz guitarist, both gigging and recording when not teaching. His music has won prizes as well as having been performed and broadcast internationally. He wrapped up his educational career teaching classes in 1st and 2nd-year theory at a local college and has now retired from the academic milieu. Today he continues composing and playing, mostly accompanying singers-a singular pleasure and mine-field all in one.