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The Anderson Files: Reviewing Intervals



Intervals are the distances between notes. There are 2 types: Diatonic inside the major scale and Chromatic outside the major scale.

Diatonic Intervals

Notes from a Major Scale (Ascending) 1, 1, 1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1/2

C C  Perfect prime

C F   Perfect 4th

C G  Perfect 5th

C C’  Perfect octave 

C D   Major 2nd

C E   Major 3rd

C A   Major 6th

C B   Major 7th

C C’ Perfect Octave

Chromatic Intervals

Lower upper note of any Major interval 1/2 step = minor interval

Lower upper note of any Perfect interval 1/2 step = diminished interval

Lower upper note of any Major interval 1 step = diminished interval

Raise upper note of any Perfect or Major interval 1/2 step = augmented interval

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