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New Ted Greene Tribute CD from John March



John March releases his second CD tribute to the late great Ted Greene – and provides donations to some great non-profits.

John March: This is my second CD that I have produced in tribute to Ted Greene. In “tribute” for me means, as best I can, playing and utilizing everything I have learned from Ted, and integrating that into my own “voice”, not imitation or mimicry. Ted always encouraged me to follow the “path less traveled”, and I do my best to honor that with this CD.

Check out John March’s “For Once In My Life”

The first tribute CD that I recorded was made not long after Ted had passed away.  It was my attempt to interpret several of his challenging solo guitar arrangements. I did my best and a lot of love and long hours went into that project.

I decided on this CD that I was not going to try and record or produce another solo guitar CD. In fact, I very consciously chose to pursue a direction of unusual arrangements and combinations of possibilities that were distinctly not a solo guitar CD. I wanted to make something that was really my expression of myself as a musician, filtered through the lens of what I had learned from Ted. Every song is completely different in sound and style and approach. 

Many great players contributed their time and talent including Andreas Oberg – Guest Guitarist and Jeff Paris on B3 and Vocals (Keb Mo, Ringo Starr, etc…), and many others.

The late Ted Greene

I will be donating three dollars for every CD complete digital download: $1 to, which is an environmental non-profit committed to reforesting the planet, to try and avert catastrophic climate change. They committed to planting 20 million trees by 2020 and are about to accomplish that, and they are a wonderful nonprofit. $1 to support the ongoing efforts to keep Ted’s works available to all who want to study what he taught, and I will also donate $1 to The Musicares Covid-19 Relief Fund

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