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Lloyd-Hussain-Lage Trio Live from Healdsburg Jazz



Lloyd-Hussain-Lage Trio to Perform Special Show Live From Healdsburg Jazz – Saturday, September 26, 7pm PT

On Saturday, September. 26, Healdsburg Jazz presents the world premiere of Charles Lloyd, Zakir Hussain and Julian Lage playing together as a trio for the first time, to be streamed live around the world. Each musician will be driving to the intimate wine country town in Northern California for this extraordinary real-time live show. Saxophonist/flautist Charles is heading up from Santa Barbara, tabla-master Zakir from Marin County, and guitarist Julian all the way from Nashville, Tenn.

The group will play together in safe, socially distanced fashion without an in-person audience from the Paul Mahder Gallery,  captured by state-of-the-art sound and video equipment and beamed to a world-wide audience.

For a minimum $15 donation, viewers will have 72-hour access to the recorded concert after the live performance, which starts at 7 p.m. Pacific Time.

Information and registration page

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