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Jonathan Kreisberg on the Role Pedals and Self-Expression



Jazz Guitar Today asks Jonathan Kreisberg what role does your pedalboard play in your music/self-expression?

JK: When I’m in the midst of touring/recording, I tend to lock in a bit of a system with what I’m using and where it’s placed on the board. I do this specifically because my end goal is to make the pedalboard an extension of the instrument and to behave intuitively with what I’m playing.

I always feel it’s a bit of an achievement when I forget that I’m even using the effects and my foot is kind of working like the hands do on the guitar…more of a feeling than a thinking thing.

I know that for some people using effects is central to their approach, but I try not to get too distracted by the gear.   Of course, I like to surprise myself and see what I come up with with some inspiration from a new sound, but I think that it’s a dangerous path if that becomes central to your thought process. I’ve always been wary of the dangers of placing the element of electronic texture before the big 3 (melody, harmony, and rhythm), and I try to keep my focus there while using the sound as a tool to help tell the story.

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