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Take your Frets to the Next Level With Guitar Fret Care



Take your Frets to the Next Level

Take your Frets to the Next Level With Guitar Fret Care…

Music Nomad Equipment, is raising the bar to a new higher standard with the introduction of an extensive range of Guitar Fret Care Products. For over a year, they have been researching, developing, prototyping, testing, and collaborating with some of the top techs in the world to create this extensive product lineup. They will be introducing both products that don’t exist that will save time and money during fretwork, plus significant product improvements for everyday fret tools that have not changed in years. 

“It is truly NEXT LEVEL! says Rand Rognlien, CEO of Music Nomad.” As our community already experiences, we only develop best-in-class products or we won’t come out with them, and this product line will follow that standard,” says Rognlien

Throughout 2023 they will be sharing these next-level products as they become available! Sign up on their website to be the first to know what they have developed before they announce it to the public, plus click here for a chance to win their fret care giveaway.

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