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Pat Martino Update



In a letter to JGT’s Bob Bakert, Pat Martino’s longtime manager and friend Joe Donofrio provides an update on Pat.

Pat Martino Update

Bob Bakert, JGT Editor: I got to know Pat Martino’s longtime manager, producer Joe Donofrio while working on the cover story we did on Pat back in August. Joe and I hit it off and have stayed in touch ever since.  I called Joe the other day asking about Pat’s health and well being. He told me some things I felt the jazz guitar world should know.  I asked Joe to write me an email that I could share.

On a personal note, Pat is ever so close to meeting his GoFundMe goal that I thought maybe we could do something to help bring it up to goal by possibly letting people who weren’t aware of Pat’s circumstances.  These are difficult times no doubt but if you have the means please consider a donation. Best always, Bob

From Joe Donofrio:

Dear Bob, Always good to hear from you – I am glad you are safe and secure. In our discussion about Pat Martino, I am still very concerned about his current condition.

I talk to Pat almost every day and as always he is centered and motivated by life itself. He wants to know how everyone is doing and very concerned about the well being of some of the more susceptible people he may know. Most people don’t know that Pat has a great sense of humor and at any given time, it may surface. He is a computer buff and likes to dabble with some funny apps, cartoons or funny limericks to get a laugh – he is a prankster as well!

There are so many stories and moments to talk about, that we always have a moment to reminisce, especially about his young life on the road with the older musicians. With the current pandemic happening, I get numerous calls, both domestic and international, from friends and associates and always as a part of the conversation, I would be asked about my most renowned client, Pat Martino. To my surprise, a good many people were not aware of his condition and his fundraiser with GoFundMe! I am overwhelmed with the response he has received so far, but I feel there are so many more that know and love him that we haven’t reached yet. This is something I try to work at everyday.

Bob, it is always great to touch base with you and I look forward to the next time. The above video is one of his last concerts in Italy

Kindest regards,
Joe Donofrio

Pat Martino’s GoFundMe page

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