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JGT Series: “Spotlight On…Peter Frampton”



Contributor/photographer Brad Jeter continues to expand JGT’s scope by putting the “Spotlight On” a guitar legend, Peter Frampton.

JGT Editor Bob Bakert: Please find our second installment of “Spotlight On” from Brad Jeter… You all know Brad as one of JGT’s guitar reviewers and photographers. Brad has an extensive background as a player, producer, and all-around fan of great guitar playing and performing.  We have asked Brad to help us to expand our scope with articles that our base would enjoy…

One of the truly iconic superstars of the 1970s, Peter Frampton had it all, then, almost as meteorically, he lost it all. The victim—rather, the poster boy—of how greedy and self-serving record labels can destroy not only your career but also your life.

All that is well documented but Peter never gave up and very slowly rebuilt his career and, importantly, doing it his way.

After his childhood friend, none other than David Bowie, reached out to Peter in the late 80s to record and then tour with him, Peter reestablished himself as not only a great entertainer but a great guitarist.

For the past 30-odd years, he has produced recordings on his terms and toured to appreciative audiences.

Although he announced his “final” tour in 2019 because of a degenerative muscle disease that made movement progressively difficult, he is currently out on the road again with his “Never Say Never” tour.

All photos by Brad Jeter

Although now confined to performing sitting down, it has not lessened the impact this fine performer has on his audience. As he has always done, he strives to make those in attendance feel appreciated.

All the hits that are expected are played without any sense of going through the motions. Peter and his band play them as if they were fresh compositions with energy and verve.

This current summer tour stopped here in Atlanta on June 27 and the band and audience were blessed with an unusually cool and beautiful evening at the outdoor Amaris Bank Amphitheater just north of the city. They played a solid two-plus hour set that was well-paced and engaging.

I’ll wrap this up with a quote from Peter when he announced this surprise tour this past April, “I’m very pleased to let you know that I am feeling strong and my fingers are still roaming the fretboard. Every note I play now has more meaning and soul. I love playing live and this fighter wants to stay in the ring for as long as he can. I’m so happy to be able to see you all one more time this summer.”

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