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Guitar Gear

JGT checks out La Bella ‘Black Tapes’



Bob Bakert, Editor: I saw and played so many great instruments at the recent Rocky Mountain Archtop Festival in Arvada, CO.  One guitar that really caught my attention…

…was the Danny Koentopp guitar (above) which was purpose-built to be strung with La Bella Black Tapes. I had never played Black Tapes before and found the feel and tone to be somewhere between a flat-wound and a nylon string guitar.  This guitar is a real treat to play with a unique tone and feel!  

La Bella Black Tapes

Other opinions on La Bella’s Black Tapes:

Dan Koentopp – Koentopp Guitars “Labella Tape Wounds strings are lush and vibrant especially when paired with the right instrument. They feel like a flat wound but maintain the clarity that is sometimes lost with flats. They work better on an instrument that is very well balanced, warmly voiced, with a non-aggressive attack, like the Red Rocket Chicagoan.”

Koentopp Guitar with La Bella Black Tapes

George Walker Petitmusician/engineer/producer “…I’ve been using La Bella Black nylon tape wound strings for nearly 30 years on all my archtop guitars.  Bucky Pizzarelli introduced me to them at a jazz festival way back.  They have a lovely, nearly acoustic sound, and a smooth feel with great frequency response; sounding somewhat darker or less strident than a phosphor bronze or other popular product.  The feel and sound is almost like a classical guitar string set…and to play Brazilian, swing, and bop on these is a pleasure!“

Jazz Guitarist George Walker Petit

For more on La Bella Black Tape Strings.

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