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New Vince Lewis Guitar Arrangement, “Embraceable You”



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Jazz guitarist Vince Lewis continues his JGT Arrangement Series with “Embraceable You”.

“Embraceable You” was composed by George and Ira Gershwin and first appeared in the Broadway Musical “Girl Crazy” in 1930.  It became one of the most iconic love songs of the 20th Century, and has been covered and recorded by Artists including Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Ella Fitzgerald among others.  It has been presented in a large variation of styles, from Medium to Slow Ballad, medium to up Swing, and even Bossa Nova. This is another arrangement that should be achievable for mid to advanced level players, but taken at a slower tempo can actually be a great starting point for guitarists getting into Solo Chord Melody playing.

“Embraceable You”

Music by G. Gershwin / I. Gershwin

Guitar Arrangement by Vince Lewis

Vince Lewis Arrangement For Educational Purposes

For the arrangement PDF

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